Gypsy Rose Blanchard Set for Release: A Look Back at the Infamous Murder Case

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Release: A Controversial Chapter Unfolds

From Infamous Plot to Freedom: Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Release After Seven Years in Prison

After more than seven years behind bars, Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a central figure in the notorious murder case involving her mother, Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard, is expected to be released from prison on Thursday.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, now 32, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in July 2016 after pleading guilty to second-degree murder in her mother’s death. The case gained widespread attention and even inspired the Hulu series “The Act.” Gypsy’s ex-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, who fatally stabbed Dee Dee, is serving a life sentence.

The case unfolded with a backdrop of alleged Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a condition where a caregiver fabricates symptoms in a dependent. Gypsy, many believe, was a victim of this syndrome. Throughout her childhood, she was subjected to false medical diagnoses and unnecessary medical procedures. Experts point out that Dee Dee began this pattern shortly after Gypsy’s birth in 1991, claiming ailments such as sleep apnea.

Gypsy was forced to use a wheelchair and undergo invasive medical procedures under the guise of serious illnesses like leukemia and muscular dystrophy. The pair garnered sympathy and support, including charity trips and financial assistance. They even received a specially adapted house from Habitat for Humanity.

The turning point came in June 2015 when, at the age of 23, Gypsy orchestrated the murder of her mother. She enlisted the help of Nicholas Godejohn, whom she met on a Christian dating site. The murder, involving multiple stab wounds, took place in Dee Dee’s bedroom, with Gypsy providing the tools.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard avoided a trial by accepting a plea deal but testified at Godejohn’s trial. She revealed that her mother controlled every aspect of her life and that she discovered the extent of her health when she was 19.

Nicholas Godejohn’s defense argued that he was motivated to save Gypsy from abuse, claiming he was “blindly in love” with her. The Missouri Department of Corrections has confirmed Gypsy’s early release on Dec. 28 after serving 85% of her 10-year sentence. Notably, she is set to release an ebook titled “Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom” on Jan. 9, 2024.

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